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Contest Details

Webpage last updated: August 16, 2024

Florida History Day 20​25 State Contest Details

General Information



The Florida History Day state contest will be held on Monday, May 5, at Tallahassee State College (TSC). Student registration on May 4 will extend from 3:00 to 8:00 p.m. and on May 5 from 7:45 to 8:45 a.m. The Awards Ceremony will be held at the Donald L. Tucker Civic Center on May 6 from 9:00 to 11:30 a.m.


Sunday, May 4

Tallahassee State College

     3:00–8:00 p.m.                  Student registration—Student Union Food Court 

Monday, May 5

Tallahassee State College

     7:45–8:45 a.m.                 Student registration—Student Union Food Court

     8:00 a.m.                           Judges’ orientation—Student Union Ballroom

     By 8:45 a.m.                      Three copies of process papers are in front of exhibits.

     9:20 a.m.                           Judging of performances and documentaries begins.

     10:00 a.m.                         Judging of historical papers, exhibits, and websites begins.

     2:30 p.m. (approx.)          Runoffs are announced for performances and documentaries in the Student Union.

                                               (Students are not present for paper, exhibit, and website runoffs.)     

     3:00 p.m. (approx.)          Runoffs of performances and documentaries begin.

     3:30–4:30 p.m.                  Public viewing of papers, exhibits, and websites in Lifetime Sports Complex

     By 6:00 p.m.                      All exhibits are removed from WD; props are out of storage areas. 

Tuesday, May 6

Donald L. Tucker Civic Center

      9:00–11:30 a.m.              Awards Ceremony

      11:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m.     Meeting for national contest participants and county coordinators



A map of the competition sites and parking at TSC is available at student registration in the Student Union Food Court.



County coordinators should arrange for teachers or chaperones to be present in each competition area to supervise and support the students in their delegation.


Staff and judges’ headquarters

SU       Student Union Ballroom (Bldg. 35)

Student registration and lounge, exhibitors, and merchandise sales

SU       Student Union Food Court (Bldg. 35)

Paper judging

LB       Library (Bldg. 30)—junior and senior divisions

Exhibit judging

LSC     Lifetime Sports Complex (Bldg. 15)—junior and senior divisions

Performance judging

HSS     Humanities and Social Sciences (Bldg. 39)—junior and senior division

Documentary judging

EN       Science and Math (Bldg. 18)—junior and senior divisions

Website judging

CH       Communications and Humanities (Bldg. 5)—junior divisions

SM       Science and Math (Bldg. 18)—senior division

Runoff judging (performances and documentaries)

Judges do not meet with students for exhibit, website, or paper runoffs.

HSS     Humanities and Social Sciences (Bldg. 39) — Junior Performance―group

SM      Science and Math (Bldg. 18) ― Junior Documentary―individual and group

MLH     Moore Lecture Hall (Bldg. 4) ― Senior Documentary―individual and group

Performance prop storage

HSS     Room 120—both junior and senior divisions

Equipment drop off and pick up

See the competition sites map for drop off and pick up areas on Sunday 3:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and Monday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.



Students are asked to exhibit their best behavior while at Tallahassee State College. Please respect the fact that TSC staff and students have business to conduct without being distracted by noisy or rambunctious youth.



Student Check in will be held in the Student Union Food Court at the following times:

Sunday, May 4:   3:00 to 8:00 p.m.

Monday, May 5:   7:45 to 8:45 a.m.

Check in will be conducted by category (paper, exhibit, documentary, website, performance). Students report to the appropriate category table to pick up their registration card, which lists their judging time and location.



Judging of exhibits, websites, and historical papers will begin at 10:00 a.m., with judges interviewing students at ten-minute intervals. Exhibit judges read process papers from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. Paper and website judges receive and review their entries in advance of the contest.

Judging in the documentary and performance categories will begin at 9:20 a.m. Each entry will be allowed 20 minutes to set up, present, and disassemble. Judges will read process papers during the five-minute set-up period and interview students during the five-minute disassembly.



Exhibits may be set up from 3:00 to 8:30 p.m. on Sunday and 7:45 to 8:45 a.m. on Monday. Students are responsible for assembling their exhibit entirely, including using power tools. Parents and teachers MAY NOT assist the assembly process, although they may provide reasonable help carrying the exhibit and lifting it onto the display table. Individuals who violate this rule will be asked to leave the exhibit area. Students who require electricity must supply their own power cord. Please note exhibits will be setup in the Lifetime Sports Complex this year. Students will receive their room assignments at check-in.



Students in every category except historical papers and websites should arrive with four copies of a process paper with a title page and an annotated bibliography. Students in the exhibit category ensure that three copies are in front of their exhibit by 8:45 a.m. on Monday. Students in first-round performance and documentary judging bring four copies to their presentation. Judges will retain three copies and return one, which students bring to runoff presentations. Historical papers should bring three copies of their paper along with their title page, process paper, and annotated bibliography for the judges to keep.



Documentary classrooms at TSC are equipped with a computer with a DVD drive, monitor, and screen. Students must have their documentaries on either a DVD with a finalized DVD format or on a USB in a common video format. Students should test their documentary on multiple devices to insure compatibility before coming to the state contest. Florida History Day cannot guarantee compatibility between software used to create DVDs and software available on TSC equipment. Documentary rooms will be open by 8:30 a.m. on Monday if students wish to test the equipment. Optionally, students may show their documentary on a personal computer.



At least one member of a group entry and the creator of any individual entry must be present to meet with the judges. A student who has not been part of an entry’s research and development may not be substituted at the last minute for an individual who is unable to attend. 



Entries in the performance and documentary categories that advance to runoffs will be announced in the Student Union at approximately 2:00 p.m. Presentations will begin at approximately 2:30 p.m. Runoffs in the exhibit, website, and historical paper categories will not be posted. Judges do not interview students again during the runoff phase in any category.



Please contact the Florida History Day one week before the state contest if a participant will require special assistance or access: (850) 245–6326 or [email protected].



Florida History Day and Tallahassee State College are not responsible for participant equipment, regardless of the value. We advise students not to leave valuable equipment or personal effects unattended.



The Lifetime Sports Complex will be open to the public for viewing of exhibits, websites, and historical papers from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. on Monday. Exhibits MAY NOT be removed before 4:30 p.m., and all exhibits must be removed by 6:00 p.m. Exhibits remaining after 6:00 p.m. will be discarded.



The Food Court in the TSC Student Union will be open on Monday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., providing participants with on-site alternatives for lunch and snacks. Numerous restaurants and fast-food places are located within a mile or two of TSC. Tennessee Street between Ocala Road and FSU also offers a wide selection of eateries. In addition, three main highway corridors—North Monroe Street, Apalachee Parkway, and Thomasville Road—are within easy driving distance and offer a variety of restaurants and leisure activities. For specific options, consult a Tallahassee/Leon County visitor guide, available at the information table in the Student Union, or look online at



Students are asked to congregate in the Student Union before and after their interview. They may wait outside or in the lobby of their presentation building ten minutes before their interview.



Florida History Day t-shirts will be on sale in the Student Union Food Court during registration on Sunday and throughout the day on Monday. The cost is $20 for all sizes. The Museum of Florida History retail shop also will have souvenirs, books, and other items on sale in the Student Union.


Awards Ceremony

The Awards Ceremony will be held on Tuesday, May 6, from 9:00 to 11:30 a.m., at the Donald L. Tucker Civic Center. Students who cannot be present should designate someone to accept their award in case they win. The Donald L. Tucker Civic Center is located at 505 West Pensacola Street (32301), at the intersection of South Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. Abundant free parking is located at the site, but allow extra time for parking and walking to the Exhibit Hall.


National Contest Participants

Immediately following the Awards Ceremony on Tuesday, first- and second-place winners will meet with the state coordinator to receive information about the National History Day (NHD) competition.